Why DragoNote?

As a programmer I work on many different projects. I have a ton of things to memorize and store somewhere. I tried different note apps, but they didn’t really solve my problem. Not only I need to store the data, but I have to remember where it is. Making structures in standard note app is very limited, and requires a lot of work to set it up. In DragoNote, I just put the note in the place, where I remember where it is, so I can then access them quickly and I know where to add another related notes.

I also need to encrypt some fragile data with a password, and I require it is not available for anyone even if they have somehow access to the account. Before DragoNote I ended up with a simple text file that I was manually encrypting and decrypting every time. The file got huge, and I had to manually merge it to different devices.

I just needed to add and access notes fast, in the place that I know where it belongs, with some features that are not available elsewhere. So I created DragoNote – for myself. Then I decided I can share it to the world, I’m curious how many people have similar problem like me.

I know that may be not for everyone. Not everyone is memorizing things like this – by location. And not everyone has a lot data like this to store.

I use it for work, storing and describing ideas, planning travel and personal stuff, like writing my thoughts or shopping lists.

That’s how my General map looks like when it is zoomed out.

Why in the name there is “Drago”? I was inspired by the Drago / Dragon tree (Dracaena draco), that has so many nodes, just like a human brain.